Why We Give

Learn how others have made an impact through their acts of giving to our organization and others.
Jean's Gift Provides AccessibilityI first met Jean Buchler on a trip when I was visiting Unity supporters in the Denver area. She met me at the door of her condo, a spry 80-year-old, dressed in a beautiful purple pantsuit.
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Couple Finds Creative Way to Give Generously to Unity"I remember hearing James Dillet Freeman [former Silent Unity® director] once say that the only reason for Unity's existence is that people need it," Michael Sheets remarks. "And that's the bottom linepeople need Unity.
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Dr. Jay Kaufman, chiropractor from Greeley, Pennsylvania"Thanks to the loving grace of God, I found Unity." This is how Jay Kaufman, a Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine in Greeley, Pennsylvania, professed his feelings about Unity when Roseanne Becker, senior gift planning officer at Unity spoke with him.
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Rev. Juan del Hierro, associate minister, Unity on the Bay, Miami, FloridaLegacy Giving is an expression of my deepest values and an extension of my spiritual practice.
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Robin Strachan, author, Evanston, Illinois"I like the practical spirituality of Unity. There are tools I can use in any given moment. I can sit down with my coffee and Daily Word ® in the morning, and it sets the tone for my day."