Dr. Jay Kaufman, chiropractor from Greeley, Pennsylvania
"Thanks to the loving grace of God, I found Unity." This is how Jay Kaufman, a Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine in Greeley, Pennsylvania, professed his feelings about Unity when Roseanne Becker, senior gift planning officer at Unity spoke with him.
Dr. Kaufman was raised in the Jewish faith but never felt truly spiritually connected until he visited Unity Village. Dr. Kaufman then moved to the Kansas City area to start chiropractic college where the president of the college introduced him to Unity through Unity Temple on the Plaza.
He found that Unity teachings were aligned with the chiropractic curriculum of wellness. He fondly remembers the college waiting room had an abundance of Unity publications available including Daily Word®, Wee Wisdom®, and Unity Magazine® for everyone to enjoy. The first time he read Daily Word, he felt it truly spoke to him and became a faithful reader.
During his first visit to Unity Village, Dr. Kaufman remembers vividly running underneath a trellis and feeling a deep spiritual change come over him. Ever since that time, he has felt more spiritually connected and considers himself now a truly spiritual being.
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God …" Dr. Kaufman says, "and all will be added on to you."
This particular Bible verse sums up that moment for him. He notes most people need material things but that does not make them happy or satisfied.
"Unity meets my spiritual needs," says Dr. Kaufman, which is a common phrase heard from Unity supporters.
Dr. Kaufman feels extremely blessed by Daily Word and Silent Unity®, the 24/7 Unity prayer ministry. He wants to give back to Unity because Unity has given him so much. Therefore, he has included Unity in his estate planning. Dr. Kaufman hopes his generosity will help others find the spiritual satisfaction he has.